Written by VillageMD | Mar 15, 2016 4:00:00 AM

The Affordable Care Act has ushered in a new era of healthcare delivery. In the commentary "How Obamacare is Changing the Startup World," Fortune contributor Ezekial J. Emanuel evaluates the impact the ACA has had on the startup community and cites VillageMD as one of the new companies changing health care for the better.

Last year was a record year for investing in health care start-ups. In addition to biotech developers and bold new insurance business models, VillageMD was named as one of the companies "modernizing primary care practices by using big data." VillageMD's success lies in its unique approach to care delivery, with integrated support teams and robust patient data to complement the primary care provider.

"They provide physicians with data on their patient panels and build support teams that include pharmacists, nurse managers, and care coordinators, all focused on coordinating care and improving patient results."

The ACA has inspired a new wave of health care innovators. Like many of the companies featured on the website, the goal of VillageMD is to a build a foundation for the higher quality, lower cost health care system of the future. Click here to read the full article.